Keep up with our latest news

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

The 9th October 2021 was World Hospice and Palliative Care Day, an annual event to celebrate and support palliative care around the world.

True Colours Chair – retirement

Professor Myra Bluebond-Langner – Retirement Statement from UCL GOS ICH, GOSH Charity, Louis Dundas Centre Steering Committee & the True Colours Trust

True Colours’ UK Small Grants – an update

We remain dedicated to supporting small, local organisations which work with disabled children, children with life-limiting conditions and their families.

Coronavirus – Our Response to the Current Crisis

As the world continues to adjust to the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, we wanted to update you on True Colours’ response to the crisis so far.

Life Lines – Keeping Families Connected

True Colours Trust and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation have each made a grant of £500,000 to Life Lines.

Coronavirus – reassurance for those we fund

We want to reassure organisations we fund that we will continue to support you through this uncertain time.