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How To Apply
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UK Small Grants
UK Small Grants Application Form
Africa Small Grants
Major Programmes
Breathing Spaces
Chair in Children’s Palliative Care
Neonatal Palliative Care
Palliative Care Association of Malawi
The Children’s Palliative Care Project with Heard
Contact Us
UK Small Grants Application Form
Contact Information
Name of organisation
Organisation address - line 1
Organisation address - line 2
Organisation address - line 3
Organisation address - postcode
Main Contact for the Project
Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr etc.)
Telephone number
Email address
Job title
If you have a preference for how you’d like to be contacted, or any access needs that you would like us to be aware of, please let us know.
About your Organisation
Registered charity number or Community Interest Company number
(Please note: organisations which are not registered charities or CICs are not eligible to apply)
Organisation website address
Please describe your organisation - what does it do and why?
(approx. 250 Words)
Number of paid employees.
Please provide details of whether they are full-time or part-time
Number of volunteers
In what year was your organisation established?
Income (most recent full financial year)
(Please note: organisations with an income of more than £350,000 pa are not eligible to apply)
Expenditure (most recent full financial year)
How many months’ running costs does your organisation currently hold in reserves?
Is this in line with your reserves policy?
Do you receive any statutory funding?
Please provide details.
Does your organisation have a religious affiliation?
Please provide details.
Purpose of Funding
Sum requested
(up to £10,000)
Please outline how you would use this funding, should you be successful.
(approx. 250 words)
Please provide a budget with estimated costs, showing how you would use a grant from True Colours.
Please provide this in a list if possible. Should you be successful, you will be asked to provide a detailed report on expenditure following the completion of the project.
Who are your service users? How many people do you expect to reach? What is the age range of children you support?
(approx. 250 words)
Can you tell us more about the area you work in
(approx. 150 words)
Do you charge families for your services? If so, how much?
Has your organisation received funding from True Colours in the past?
How did you find out about True Colours?
Please advise whether DBS/PVG checks have been conducted on staff and volunteers.
Staff - Yes
Staff - No
Volunteer - Yes
Volunteer - No
If DBS/PVG checks have not been completed, please indicate why.
Please confirm that you have suitable safeguarding policies in place, covering children and vulnerable people, and any other relevant safeguarding issues. We expect these are reviewed and updated regularly by your organisation. We may request to see these policies at any time.
Please confirm that you agree to adhere to the Trust’s safeguarding policy, further information on this policy can be found
We strive to make our application process as accessible as possible. If you have any feedback on this form, or any suggestions of things we could do better, please do let us know.
Please be assured that any feedback you send will not impact your application.
If there is anything within this form which you are unsure about, or you’d like to have a conversation before submitting, please do contact us at
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