Two sisters sitting together and communicating

Sibs is the UK’s leading charity supporting siblings of disabled adults and children. The charity recognises that children with a disabled brother or sister often have support needs of their own. Sibs’ aim is to improve siblings’ wellbeing by providing information and support for siblings, educating parents and professionals to support siblings, influencing service provision, and raising public awareness of sibling issues.

Sibs offers an ‘Ask an Advisor’ service which allows young siblings to contact the charity for advice or support.

“I have used it as a place where I can get rid of my feelings.”
“It really helped me to realise that I wasn’t the only one suffering from sibling problems.”

Sibs also provides information on topics that are important to young siblings, such as staying well and learning about their brother or sister’s condition.

“My parents don’t like to talk with me about my sister so instead I can find out about her condition on young sibs.”

The charity runs training and awareness sessions for parents and professionals to help them better understand the needs of siblings and has developed interventions for delivery in schools to help siblings.

True Colours has provided core support for Sibs’ work with children and young people since 2005.

“It has been a hard year but it has got sooooo much better because of this website, thank you!! I don’t know how to thank you! This website has changed my LIFE!!”

Further information on Sibs can be found here.

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